BrightSource / Alstom
An area of approximately 3,300,000 m² near the village of Ashalim in the Sunny desert lands of Southern Israel.
The area was an old military fire zone and was now intended to go full Range Clearance for the purpose of planting over 50,000 Heliostats (Mirrors) and erecting a 121 MW Solar Thermal Power.
This was the largest single BAC Site ever contracted in Israel. 3,300,000 m² cleared from ammunitions to a deapth of 2.5 meters.
Clearance requirements included 2 independent manual clearance operations to assure the site is free of all ammunition remains to a depth of 2.5 meters.
Lane Marking, Large Loop Clearance followed by a full magnetometer cart clearance.
In late 2014 The project was conducted under rigid timelines and was able to meet the client’s requirements to clear 3.3 M m² from all ammunitions to a depth of 2.5 meters in under 5 months of operation.
Over 450 Various ERWs were located from 20mm rounds and up to aerial ammunitions.