International Explosive Ordnance Disposal Engineering Ltd. (IEOD) was founded in 1985 with the vision of transporting years of military know how in the fields of EOD and Demilitarization to the civilian market.
The company, which was the first of its kind to be incorporated in Israel, holds an unblemished reputation derived from 35 years of substantial operational experience.

Israel Mine Action Group (IMAG) was founded in 2011 as a subsidiary company of IEOD, targeted to specialize in large scale Demining and BAC commercial operations.
Today the IEOD group offers a diversified variety of services pertaining to numerous explosive applications.
IEOD is an Israeli Industry leader in the fields of EOD tasks, Ordnance Services, BAC operations, manual and mechanical Demining operations, Demilitarization facilities, Decontamination of structures and equipment from explosive remains and more.